One of the spaces in our house that I'm really excited to get all set up is the Knitting Nook. I don't know if Mike ever imagined that he would live in a home with one of these but I'm confident that he's starting to see the light. Who wouldn't want a cozy little corner full of knitting goodness? Skeins of beautiful yarn, knitting projects on the go and/or finished, and some tasteful knit decor can only be one thing: wonderful.
As you can see from the picture above (sorry for the iPhone pic; I haven't found/unpacked our camera yet) things are in a bit of a state, still far from my vision of a relaxing, knit-filled space. I've already set aside a few things just for this corner: I've got some lovely boxes from Indigo (waited them out last fall and got a steal) and a pretty ceramic vase I picked up from our last trip to Scotland. We'll also be sure to use a few framed photos that we had hanging up in our old house, just not sure where they will be on the wall yet. As for storage, the Ikea Expedit was an obvious choice and I love that I can stow some things away in the baskets. I'm still looking for an easy and efficient way to organize patterns that I've purchased or printed (right now they're stuffed thoughtlessly into a binder...they deserve better than that), so if you have any ideas please let me know.

Anyways, wish me luck! I'm hoping to have this little project tackled by the week's end. I'll be back to show you the 'after' pictures soon!
- Christy