I'm afraid that Ravelry is partly to blame, since it's so simple to post my projects there, to have them all in one spot, so tidily. It can also be a little frightening as well, seeing how many 'ongoing' projects I have on the needles at one time. Though it's hardly my fault that there are so many adorable items out there just begging to be made.
My penchant for multiple projects is also partly the fault of this cute little sweetheart shown above. I mentioned her very early beginnings in the last post, and now here she is, 6 months old in March 2009 and wearing her little knittles, very adoringly made for her by her Aunt Hilst. She is my little niece, Audrey Elizabeth, and I have fallen head over heels for her! She was born on October 19th, 2008, in Toronto, to my sister and best friend, Christy and her handsome husband Lev. Little Audrey, a.k.a. Mrs Puddlebum, is now a smiley, roly-poly 6 1/2 month old bundle, and she loves her handknits (both by her aunt and by her talented mummy). I am smitten.

I've started on a little summer top for Audrey as well, a cute little tunic from the Sirdar 352 Seaside Babes. Can't wait to see it paired with a pair of white pants or capris.
That's it on my projects though for now. Lots more actually in progress, but I'm too embarrassed to confess to them all here...
I'm looking forward to getting some outdoor knitting done over the weekend, out at our land, where we have now erected the beginnings of what used to be just an imaginary cottage. We spent what could only be described as a 'helluva' summer last year trying to battle torrential rains and rivers of mud trying to get a foundation constructed. It was a struggle, but by the end of August there was a building, and we are looking forward to getting back to work on it, and hopefully to begin to enjoy it ASAP.
1 comment:
Love that you updated your blog again...Audrey and I always enjoy reading it!
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