Once again it would seem that I am in the running for the world's most delinquent blogger. (The possible exception might be my brother's girlfriend, Jenn, with her lengthy periods between updates on their New Zealand travels---you can find it here.) Much has happened and my needles have been busy, though as usual, I have far too many projects on the go at once.
The biggest and happiest news, for me and my needles, is that my sister and best friend, Christy is having a baby in Mid-October. As this is as close as I will likely come again to having my very own infant, I have been luxuriating in her experience along the way. Last week, she and her partner found out their little one will be a girl (hurrah!) so though I've already worked on a couple of sweaters and a little hat (shown above) for the wee bairn, now that we know more about who she is I can't wait to buy some girl-icious yarn and make her something lovely. So fun---I can't wait to teach her to knit one day...
Ravelry has provided me with endless hours of browsing for the perfect baby girl item, and as luck would have it our little lys, The Wooly Lamb, is having a sale for the next couple of weeks. I plan to go pick up a couple of projects worth of yarn and get to work.